The Biot-Bazant Conference

Single sided NMR to characterize the interaction of yield stress liquids with porous media

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Version 2 2022-10-17, 17:02
Version 1 2021-06-15, 14:46
conference contribution
posted on 2022-10-17, 17:02 authored by Dennis Wörtge, Raffaele Graziano, Behzad Mohebbi, Jan Claussen, Stefano Guido, Bernhard Blümich, Siegfried StapfSiegfried Stapf
This publication is part of the proceedings of the Biot-Bažant Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Physics of Porous Materials, which took place virtually on June 1-3, 2021. It contains a one-page abstract and the video of the talk that was given at the conference.
